Windows 10 Problems Update – 03Aug15

This morning I googled “Windows 10 problems” and received 370 million hits! Thats a lot of reading… There will be many fixes in the coming weeks, I suggest you begin from my earlier Win 10 posts and follow the new posts as I publish them. I will assume you have covered the old material and will not review those issues again unless there are new developments concerning them.

There is a long line of people waiting for the Win 10 upgrade from Microsoft. It can take days for you to get to the head of the line. Even after it starts downloading you must be patient. Remember, it is a large, 3.5Gb sized download.

Here are 2 more issues you need to be aware of when doing the Windows 10 upgrade.

1. our computer running Windows 10 is used BY DEFAULT as part of a peer-to-peer network the same as a torrent to deliver software updates faster to others, each person distributing a little bit of the files across multiple computers and helping everyone download updates quickly. This peer-to-peer sharing method in Windows 10, named WUDO, is using your precious Internet bandwidth, without informing you about it.

You can disable the feature, but the option is buried deep in the Settings menu for Windows Update.


To turn this feature OFF, follow these given steps:

  • Go to Settings in the Start menu
  • Search for Update & Security
  • Under Windows Update, open Advanced Options
  • Under Choose How Updates are Installed, select Choose how updates are delivered
  • Disable the toggle under Updated from More than One Place

See full article here:

2. You should be aware of Windows 10’s Wi-Fi Sense feature that lets your friends automatically connect to your wireless network without providing the Wi-Fi password.

Smells like a horrible Security Risk! It triggered a firestorm among security experts, who warned that Wi-Fi Sense is a terrible and dangerous feature and that you should disable it right away.

How Windows 10 Wi-Fi Sense works?

Windows 10 Wi-Fi Sense feature allows you to automatically share your Wi-Fi password with your friends or contacts, as well as lets you automatically connect to networks that your friends and acquaintances have connected to in past, even if you don’t know the password. Now, when those friends are within the range of your Wi-Fi network, Windows 10 automatically joins the network with that saved password you just shared with your friends and logs them in, without prompting them for a password. The same happens when you are within any of your contact’s wifi networks. And if a known contact of yours is running unsecured “virtual hotspot” software while using your wifi connection, then you will be providing free internet to anyone who logs into that free, unsecured network. There are also concerns that a stranger to you, but a contact of one of your known contacts, may be able to “leap frog” onto your wifi network thru your known contact (without needing your wifi password), while the known contact is connected to your network, without your knowledge or permission.

How to Turn Windows 10 Wi-Fi Sense OFF?

To disable Wi-Fi Sense, go to Windows Settings, then Network & Internet and then click “Change Wi-Fi settings,” and then “Manage Wi-Fi settings.”
From there, you can change a variety of settings. Turn OFF everything under the Wi-Fi Sense heading; disable WI-Fi password sharing with Facebook, Outlook, or Skype; and have Wi-Fi Sense forget the list of known Wi-Fi networks.
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